. . .a blog.
Hello to all of you bloggers, readers and those just surfing.
To introduce myself, I was the silent fly on the wall. . .The one that was content to just observe. And then I discovered the internet. So now I must blog what I know.
Granted, I don't work for the CIA or FBI or CNN or any other intelligence gathering organization in the world. So I can't quite claim to produce any factual exclusives . . . but one thing that is exclusive is my perspective -case in point: see URL of this blog - blogger tells me that there is only one such url on the whole world wide web :)
So here is hoping that you enjoy reading this blog as much as I enjoy writing it.
For those of you who prefer hard details (a/s/l etc) to abstract summaries (fly on the wall), here they are:
Name: Fly on the Wall
Age: 28 (and growing older)
Sex: Male
Location: Mumbai, India (although I am going to claim that my perspectives are really geographically neutral - ha!)
Personality type: INTP (For those of you searching for yourselves, Myers Briggs personality type is an excellent starting place)
Occupation: professional consultant
Looking for: myself and then the significant other - so the answer is Yes, am still single, ladies ;)
Take care and keep reading
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